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26 April, 2020
What's Up Today?

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Mercury next enters retrograde in 52 days.

Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 161 days left. Hang in there!

Solar activity was very low. New Region 2760 (S07E37, Axx/alpha) was numbered today but was unreamarkable and absent of significant flare activity. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed in available satellite imagery.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

There is currently only one planet in retrograde.


Don’t expect that transformative events just kind of slow down and things mellow during this retrograde cycle, because it does not work that way. Pluto’s going backwards alright, right down into your shadow. It’s a good time to unpack some baggage lest you start projection vomiting it everywhere.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters were at near background levels. Solar wind speed ranged between 360 to 460 km/s. Total field peaked at 7 nT while the Bz component dropped to a low value of -6 nT. Phi angle was variable but displayed a predominate negative solar sector orientation.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 5% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Not in Retrograde
Retrograde ends on 4 October, 2020

Fun Fact About Mercury

A day on the surface of Mercury lasts 176 Earth days, but a year on Mercury takes only 88 Earth days!

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 13 May, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 9 September, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 14 May, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 11 May, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 15 August, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 23 June, 2020

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In Retrograde at 24 Cap 59' 31"

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The moon is currently at 14 Gem 10' 60"

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