Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

27 May, 2024

The Sun

Solar activity was at low levels. Region 3691 (N29E48, Ekc/beta-gamma-delta) produced the strongest event of the period, a C7.4/Sf flare at 26/1706 UTC. The region continued to grow in number of spots and penumbral area. Newly numbered region 3693 (N06E35, Cro/beta) was quiet. The remaining numbered active regions on the visible disk were either stable or in gradual decay. New Regions 3694 (S12E45, Axx/alpha), 3695 (N27E60, Bxo/beta) and 3696 (N09E66, Hrx/alpha) were numbered. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed in available coronagraph imagery.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

Solar wind parameters were near nominal levels. Total magnetic field strength was mostly between 4-6 nT. The Bz component reached as far south as -6 nT. A gradual increase was observed to near 9 nT near the end of the UT day. Solar wind speeds briefly reached as high as 450 km/s but declined to ~350 km/s by the end of the reporting period. Outside of 26/1200-1500 UTC, phi angle was predominantly oriented in the positive sector.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 5% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The Moon

The waning moon is currently in Capricorn, at 21 degrees, 46' 32", at a velocity of 13.65 degrees per day.

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18.5 days old. It is 374607.93 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 12:40:02, 6 Jun, 2024. The next full moon is at 1:10:32, 22 Jun, 2024.

Planetary Information


The Sun

The Sun is in Gemini

The Sun is at 06 Gem 27' 32", and is 151575616km away and receding.


The Moon

The Moon is in Capricorn

The Moon will change from Capricorn to Aquarius in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 21 Cap 46' 32", and is 378318km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Capricorn

Well, well, well, Moon's in Capricorn and it's about as cozy as a porcupine in a balloon factory. Now, you're probably wondering what that means...and so am I. Just kidding! Let's break it down: Capricorn, the determined mountain goat of the zodiac, paired with the moon, the moody, silvery sphere of mystery that's currently 373,523.195050888 km away. That's like taking a road trip from here to, well, the moon. So, here's the thing. The moon moves into Aquarius in the next 24 hours, and we're not talking about the Age of Aquarius (although wouldn't that be groovy?). No, this is about the moon transitioning from ambitious Capricorn to innovative Aquarius. Think of it as your favorite sci-fi series: one moment, you've got a plot line involving a relentless cyborg goat climbing to new heights (Goatzilla, anyone?), and the next, you're dealing with an otherworldly alien who's all about breaking the rules and inventing new ones (Hello, Aquaman!). So, while the moon is still in Capricorn, tap into that goat-like determination. Tie up those loose ends, finish that project, maybe even do your taxes early (yeah, right). Use this time to put your affairs in order, because when the moon shifts into Aquarius, it's going to feel like you've been teleported to a different dimension. Get ready to embrace the unexpected, my cosmic voyagers. The moon is doing the astrological equivalent of changing the TV channel, and you're about to go from a black and white documentary to a technicolor sci-fi extravaganza. Buckle up, because things are about to get interesting! Remember, the universe is a lot like a weird uncle at a family gathering: sometimes it's a bit of a drag, sometimes it's full of surprises, but it's always part of the family. So take this lunar shift in stride and remember: even when you're dealing with interstellar goat-alien drama, it's all just part of the cosmic journey.



Mercury is in Taurus

Mercury is prograde at 17 Tau 02' 59", moving at 1.7 degrees per day, and is 167754054km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Taurus

Mercury in Taurus: The Nerdy Hippie's Guide to Grounded Communication

Hold on to your crystals, stargazers! Mercury, our favorite cosmic chatterbox, is chillaxing in the down-to-earth sign of Taurus. For those who haven't brushed up on astrology lately (I mean, who doesn't have a planetary cheat sheet, am I right?), Mercury rules the mind and communication, while Taurus is all about being practical and determined. So, what do we get when we blend these celestial energies? A cosmic casserole of stability, planning, and concrete thinking served with a side of groovy vibes and Birkenstocks.

As Mercury cruises through Taurus some 158,693,070.596403837km away (but hey, who's counting?), imagination and wishful thinking are taking a cosmic vacation. Say goodbye to daydreaming about flying unicorns and rainbow galaxies, my friends! It's time to get our heads out of the clouds and onto terra firma. You might even feel an inexplicable urge to alphabetize your record collection or create a spreadsheet for your essential oil inventory. Embrace it!

During this transit, you'll find that wandering conversations are replaced by grounded discussions about things like the merits of composting or the most fuel-efficient way to get to your next yoga retreat. We're given the gift of stability, so take advantage of it! Channel your inner nerd and start planning that sustainable eco-village you've been dreaming about, or finally figure out how to turn your kombucha brewing hobby into a lucrative business.

Keep in mind, though, that Mercury won't be hanging out in Taurus forever. In 24 hours, the cosmic messenger will shimmy its way into Gemini, shaking things up once again. So, enjoy this brief interlude of practicality while it lasts, and use it to create solid foundations for your future. But don't worry, my fellow space cadets - there will be plenty of time for wild imaginings and cosmic adventures once Mercury moves on. Peace, love, and planetary alignments!



Venus is in Gemini

Venus is prograde at 04 Gem 11' 29", moving at 1.23 degrees per day, and is 259251061km away and receding.

Venus Is In Gemini

Hello, Earthlings and other celestial beings! It's me, your friendly neighborhood astrologer, coming to you with all the enthusiasm of Marvin the Paranoid Android. As you may know, Venus is currently in Gemini, about 139,767,610.313074261 km away from us, give or take a few centimeters. Now, don't panic, but Venus will be moving from Gemini to Cancer in just 24 hours. I know, I know, how terribly inconvenient, right? But as it's currently prograde, we're going to focus on the positive (or at least try). Venus in Gemini is like mixing Pop Rocks, Mentos, and a dash of cosmic pixie dust. It's effervescent, ticklish, and downright fun! Love takes on a more lighthearted tone – think witty banter with a side of intellectual stimulation. So, forget about those intense connections and focus on finding someone who can keep up with your quicksilver mind. For those of you stuck in a rut, Venus in Gemini might be just the breath of fresh air that you need. It's like throwing open the windows of your love life and letting in a gust of invigorating cosmic energy. Be playful, flirt, and engage in stimulating conversations. Who knows, you might just learn something new about your partner (or yourself)! As for your finances, Venus in Gemini is all about spending on items that tickle your fancy and stimulate your brain cells. Buy that book you've been eyeing, invest in a shiny new gadget, or splurge on a game that challenges your intellect. In conclusion, my dear Earthlings, during this Venus in Gemini transit, remember: Life and love are as exciting as a Vogon poetry reading. Just kidding! They're as thrilling as you make them. So go forth, taste the cosmic buffet of experiences on offer, and most importantly – have fun!



Mars is in Aries

Mars is prograde at 20 Ari 18' 59", moving at 0.75 degrees per day, and is 280833664km away and approaching.



Jupiter is in Gemini

Jupiter is prograde at 00 Gem 18' 16", moving at 0.23 degrees per day, and is 901192124km away and approaching.



Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 18 Pis 30' 35", moving at 0.05 degrees per day, and is 1474451645km away and approaching.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Beam Me Up, Saturn!

Okay, folks, strap in and put your space helmets on, because Saturn is hovering in Pisces. It's like the universe's version of a grumpy grandpa visiting a psychedelic fish tank. It's not just about getting starry-eyed over the nebulae though, no, Saturn is doing some cosmic housekeeping at a whopping 1,576,278,394.181507826km away. And yes, you guessed right! The old fella's gone prograde on us. We’re talking full-on forward motion.

Now, when Saturn, our celestial taskmaster, meets Pisces, the dreamy, artsy guru of the zodiac, it's like Spock meeting a Vulcan mind-meld with Picasso. It’s time to take those daydreams of yours, you know the ones where you're writing a bestselling novel or running a successful business, and give them a Vulcan salute.

This cosmic combo is here to ensure that your dreams don't just end up as beautiful supernovae in the cosmos of your mind. They want you to get off your asteroid and make things happen. You might need to draft a business plan, draw up a budget, or beam yourself up to the bank for a loan.

Now, I won’t lie to you, Saturn in Pisces isn't always a leisurely cruise on the USS Enterprise. Saturn might be the unwelcome guest who questions your most cherished dreams, but remember, the Captain doesn’t shy away from a challenge. Instead of putting up shields and firing photon torpedoes, why not let Saturn in and listen to what it has to say? After all, this cosmic old-timer has seen more than a few star systems in its day.

With Saturn in Pisces, you might find yourself feeling like you've been beamed up to the sleepless realms of insomnia. Your usual 8-hour stasis chamber sleep might seem as elusive as a Romulan cloaking device. But fear not, my starfleet! This is the perfect time to cultivate some much-needed inner peace. Meditate, take a stroll through your local holodeck forest, or simply breathe like you’re on a vacation in the oxygen-rich atmosphere of an unexplored M-class planet.

Remember, this cosmic event is all about listening to the wisdom that the universe has to offer. So, put your tr



Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is prograde at 23 Tau 54' 18", moving at 0.06 degrees per day, and is 3078335016km away and approaching.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Alrighty, folks! Strap in and hang on to your space helmets because the cosmic roller coaster is about to take off. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "What's this nerdy astrologer rambling about?" Well, let me tell you - Uranus is in Taurus, which is like blending a stubborn bull with a chaotic disco ball. Intriguing, isn't it? Now, let's start with the basics. Uranus is currently about 3054535215.476837635km away, doing its little prograde dance in the sky. That might sound far, but in the grand scheme of things, it's practically our cosmic neighbor. So, what does this mean for us? Brace yourself for some astronomical humor because it's going to be a "Uranus-shaking" experience! Taurus - they're the ones who love their comfort zone, aren't they? They'd rather binge-watch an entire series than risk missing an episode due to power failure. But here comes Uranus, the celestial equivalent of a power surge, ready to disrupt that marathon. The old ways of doing things are going out the window. It's time to adapt and evolve, my friends. It's like when they introduced the microwave - you might have been skeptical at first, but now you can't imagine life without it. But hold on to your telescopes, because it gets juicier. Taurus is all about the moolah. So, with Uranus entering the scene, we're looking at a complete makeover of our financial landscape. Imagine waking up one day and finding out that bitcoins are the new quarters. Banks may be reshaped, stock markets might jitterbug, and your piggy bank could become a thing of the past. On the personal front, Uranus in Taurus is like a cosmic Marie Kondo, urging us to declutter our financial and material lives. Debt, taxes, credit card interests - all these can feel like black holes sucking up your happiness particles. But now's the time to break free. It's like switching from a rickety old spaceship to a shiny new star cruiser. Resisting won't help because Uranus is here with its liberating energy, ready to beam us up to a life of greater stability. So, there you have it. We're in for a ride that's going to be more thrilling than the last season of Babylon 5. Get ready for some changes, because Uranus in Taurus is about to shake



Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 29 Pis 34' 52", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4530303232km away and approaching.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Well, well, well, if it isn't Neptune, that big blue ball of mystery, making a grand entrance into Pisces. Now, if you're picturing a huge planet swimming around in a celestial fish tank, you wouldn't be entirely wrong, metaphorically speaking. Most importantly, for those who are not space geeks like yours truly, this means we are entering a time of deep spiritual and emotional introspection. Time to turn on your inner emo-goth playlist, friends. The fusion of Pisces' penchant for feelings and Neptune’s passion for unity is like a cosmic spotlight cutting through a foggy night. It's as if the universe is suddenly saying, "Hey, look at all these pesky differences between us. They're about as important as a single speck of dust on a supernova. So, let's just get along, yeah?" This cosmic alignment is like a celestial group therapy session, encouraging us to think about what we can bring to the table for our collective progress. And no, your famous guacamole recipe doesn't count. We're talking bigger picture here. What are your unique gifts, ideas, and dreams? It's time to unleash them and explore your emotional intelligence. Now, I'm not saying you should start a cult or anything, but this would be an excellent time to delve deeper into spiritual paths that resonate with you. Perhaps you could create a sacred space at home, something more than just your cherished spot on the couch. Fiddle around with some incense, light a few candles, whip out those old yoga mats. Neptune in Pisces is an open invitation to connect with what feels most sacred and share these experiences with the world. So, put on your best hippie attire, embrace your inner nerd, and remember: the universe has got your back. Or more accurately, it's got your entire existence. But hey, who's counting kilometers?



Pluto is in Aquarius

Pluto is retrograde at 01 Aqu 58' 00", moving backwards at 0.01 degrees per day, and is 5152050918km away and approaching.

Pluto Is In Aquarius

Pluto In Aquarius: The Ultimate Cosmic Face-Off

Picture this: Pluto, the wee 'planet' (we're still salty about that downgrade, aren't we?) with a heart-shaped surface feature, is hanging out in Aquarius, the sign of the water-bearer. Now, before you start picturing Pluto getting a nice splash from Aquarius' jug, remember, Aquarius is an air sign. So, no, Pluto is not getting a much-needed bath.

Pluto, the celestial equivalent of that one intense friend who always insists on deep, existential conversations at 2 AM, is all about transformation. And not just the "Oh, I think I'll cut bangs" kind, but the "I'm going to reevaluate my entire life, quit my job, and move to a Tibetan monastery" kind. Pluto doesn't do things by halves, folks.

Meanwhile, Aquarius is the sign of progress, innovation, and the odd science experiment gone wrong (or right, depending on your perspective). When these two get together, it's like a sci-fi movie plot: expect the unexpected, and then multiply it by ten.

We're talking radical shifts in science, technology, and even space travel. Who knows, maybe teleportation will finally be a thing during this transit? A girl can dream! But it's not just about cool gadgets and warp speed; it's also about humanity. This transit could see us becoming more compassionate, more empathetic, and more inclined to work together for the betterment of all.

On a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius is the cosmic kick in the pants we need to change how we view ourselves and our place in the world. Instead of being self-focused, it's time to think about what's best for all. Basically, it's about becoming more like Mr. Spock and less like Sheldon Cooper.

So, are you ready for this cosmic shake-up? Because like it or not, Pluto in Aquarius is here, and it's about to make things a whole lot more interesting!

Current Planetary Aspects

Current Chart
Sun06 Gem 27' 32"
Moon21 Cap 46' 32"
Mercury17 Tau 02' 59"
Venus04 Gem 11' 29"
Mars20 Ari 18' 59"
Jupiter00 Gem 18' 16"
Saturn18 Pis 30' 35"
Uranus23 Tau 54' 18"
Neptune29 Pis 34' 52"
Pluto01 Aqu 58' 00" R

Current Planetary Positions


The Sun

The Sun

Sun Conjunct Venus

Today is a good day to express yourself through creative and artistic endeavors. You appreciate art and beauty more than usual today. You have a desire to be with people you like. Your natural warmth and friendliness really manifest themselves today. Watch for feelings of extravagance, self-indulgence, and self-love. Do not dissipate yourself in the pursuit of pleasure.The qualities of the planet Venus are aligned with these people’s egos, so that they project the traits of Venus powerfully. Social relationships are extremely important to those with Sun conjunct Venus in the natal chart. They are generally charming people who possess an easy-going manner. It is generally quite important to these people to be personally popular, to come across in a pleasant way, and to be liked and appreciated. Sometimes, vanity is part of the package. Venus is a peace-making, harmony-loving planet, and those with Sun conjunct Venus do their best to seek peace and harmony. If you want things to go smoothly, call upon a Sun conjunct Venus person to restore balance. They are diplomatic and veritable experts at smoothing over (and sometimes glossing over) problems. They are openhanded with others, tolerant and accepting. When expressed negatively, they can be superficial and two-faced, and they can be very much tied up with appearances—their own, and sometimes others’. They might be too agreeable, too pleasant (at the expense of honesty), and downright lazy at times. These people have a fine eye for style and enjoy pleasing surroundings. They generally dress well and enjoy a certain amount of luxury.These people are gracious. They are romantic and sometimes romantically impulsive. They tend to rely on the power of attraction to bring people to them, rather than aggressively pursuing love interests. There is some vanity involved here–they are most attracted to people who express interest in them, or who respond well to their charms! These are not the types of people who overtly pursue people who appear to be indifferent to them–something that Sun-Mars people might do. They are not competitive people in the aggressive sense of the word, and they are not people who love a good chase. Instead, they work their charms and draw people to them. Remember that their ability to attract others (Venus) is very much tied up with their ego (Sun).People with this aspect tend to be quite attractive, pleasing, and charming. Others sense the value people with this aspect tend to place on the feminine.Famous people with Sun conjunct Venus: Jamie Lee Curtis (Sun late Scorpio and Venus early Sagittarius), John Travolta (Sun late Aquarius and Venus early Pisces), Oprah Winfrey (in Aquarius), Leonardo DiCaprio (in Scorpio).



Mercury Sextile Saturn

You have a keen eye for detail and a practical turn of mind today. Your thinking is deep, practical, organized, and deliberate. You are aware of every flaw in thought and material and your work today will be towards precision. Concentration is sharp and focused. Plans made today are well thought out and, because of this, will probably succeed.Your mind is well-disciplined when it needs to be, and you possess strong powers of organization and orderliness. You are good at detail work. You are a person who says what you mean and mean what you say, and you can be baffled by, or impatient with, those who don’t. You are very trustworthy and reliable, showing up on time for appointments due to a basic respect for others and for schedules and orderliness. You make a loyal friend. You are capable of exceptionally clear and realistic thinking. Making plans is something that comes naturally to you–you consider consequences and possible scenarios before arriving at a decision or embarking on something entirely new. You are somewhat of a doubting Thomas, and you don’t naturally jump up and down with excitement about new ideas or plans. Your conversations may at times be spare but to the point.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Mercury and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently. Some Famous People with Mercury in Harmonious Aspect to Saturn: Sextiles – Edgar J. Hoover, Paul Newman, Olivia Newton-John, Pierre Trudeau; Trines – Wilem Dafoe, Sally Field, Ed McMahon, Raquel Welch, Robert Urich.



Venus Conjunct Jupiter

This should be a very harmonious and easy going day for you. Your main objective should be to control overindulging yourself in food and drink or with respect to spending money. You are likely to pamper yourself today. Just don't get carried away.Whether these people are shy or outgoing, law-abiding or reckless, quiet or loud…they possess a very grand idea of love, and they have an indulgent side to them that is unmistakable, and possibly hard to control. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and in this case, it’s enlarging the qualities of Venus: romance, relationship, pleasure, and money. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all of these things will come easily to natives with a Venus-Jupiter conjunction. But the appetite for pleasure, romance, and, in some cases, material things, is big. Their hearts are big too–most of the time, if given a choice, they’ll opt for the high road. They are generous with people they love (and with themselves!), dangerous with a credit card, and incurable romantics. They tend to assign positive traits to the people they love, whether those people deserve them or not!One of their weak spots is their love of pleasure. Some have a definite lazy streak. They are very affectionate people who are generous with their emotions and, usually, their pocketbook too. When they care about you, they are quite loyal and faithful. Their opinions about love and friendship are strong–they generally have lofty ideals in these areas. Their hearts are open and they have a tendency to want to give a lot to the people they love. They may live beyond their means, especially if the conjunction is challenged by other planets. They need to learn not to borrow from their future.They have a greater than average need to grow in their love relationships, and to shower their partners with acceptance and warmth. They have a strong need for growth, good humor, and fun in their relationships. They have a marked disdain for insincerity, placing great value on people with good intentions and good hearts. They do whatever they can to make those around them feel comfortable, accepted, and of value exactly as they are.Interpretation sample from the Your Spiritual Path report — The pursuit of wisdom parallels the pursuit of love in your life. Any conflict in love relationships causes you to consider your spiritual values all over again. You may like the stage of falling in love with a spiritual idea so much that you choose to do it many times before you establish a solid foundation.Some Famous People with Venus conjunct Jupiter: Drew Barrymore, John Belushi, Jeff Bridges, Garth Brooks, Dick Cavett, Patty Duke, Richard Dysart, Morgan Fairchild, Peter Fonda, Ann Jillian, Don Johnson, Jerry Lewis, George Nader, Joe Namath, Paul Newman, Roman Polanski, Trent Reznor, Paul Shaffer, Steven Spielberg, Robert Urich, Henry Winkler, Dwight Yoakam.



Venus Trine Pluto

Your emotions are deep and powerful. As they say, still waters run deep. Today might be a good day to redecorate or make other changes to your home with the hope of bringing greater beauty and harmony into your life. It's a good time to find new uses for old or discarded items which no longer serve your purposes. Emotional self-regeneration is possible with these energies.



Jupiter Sextile Neptune

You have religious, spiritual, imaginative, and intuitive inspiration at this time. Feelings of mystical contact and Oneness with the Universe give you the desire to expand your consciousness. You have greater understanding, generosity, and empathy towards others. You may seek to share your good fortune with those less fortunate. Money can come to you suddenly as a result of past good deeds. You may be able to tap your subconscious mind for valuable knowledge and inspiration.



Jupiter Trine Pluto

Interest in spiritual regeneration and self improvement are characteristic of this transit. Benefit may come to you through insurance, taxes, or legacies. You may experience an increased understanding of spiritual law and spiritual realities. You may begin to develop an interest in social, religious, educational, and cultural reforms and in helping people to help themselves. Now is a good time to eliminate outmoded concepts and beliefs.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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