The next Libra will start in 149 days (Sunday, 22 September, 2024, 17:27 UTC)

The Moon moves to Libra in 22 days (Saturday, 18 May, 2024, 17:27 UTC)

Mercury moves to Libra in 153 days (Thursday, 26 September, 2024, 17:27 UTC)

Venus moves to Libra in 125 days (Thursday, 29 August, 2024, 17:27 UTC)

There are no planets in Libra at this time.


Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. It spans 180°–210° celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, Sun transits this area on average between (northern autumnal equinox) September 23 and October 23, and under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits the constellation of Libra from approximately October 16 to November 17.

Libra Report

"Libra's Balancing Act: Venusian Vibes Meet Quantum Quirks and it's About to Get Comically Cosmic!"


Libra Report

"Librans, Brace Yourselves! Your Scales Might Tilt as Venus Plans a Cosmic Prank - Prepare for Interstellar Shenanigans!"


Libra Report

"Libra: Brace Your Scales for a Cosmic Rollercoaster or Is It Just the Universe's Attempt at a Dad Joke?"


Libra Report

"Libra, May the Scales Be With You: A Galactic Journey of Balance, Love, and Avoiding Sith-Level Drama!"


Libra Report

"Libra's Scales Tip Towards 'Infinite Improbability Drive': Prepare for an Unbalanced Week of Quantum Quirks!"
