The next Cancer will start in 20 days (Friday, 21 June, 2024, 01:24 UTC)

The Moon moves to Cancer in 7 days (Saturday, 08 June, 2024, 01:24 UTC)

Mercury moves to Cancer in 17 days (Tuesday, 18 June, 2024, 01:24 UTC)

Venus moves to Cancer in 17 days (Tuesday, 18 June, 2024, 01:24 UTC)

Mars moves to Cancer in 96 days (Thursday, 05 September, 2024, 01:24 UTC)

There are no planets in Cancer at this time.

Cancer Report

"Cancer, This Week's Forecast: More Emotional Crabs than a Time-Traveling DeLorean at a Seafood Buffet!"

The next Cancer will start in 180 days, at Friday, 21 June, 2024

The Moon moves to Cancer in 3 days, at Wednesday, 27 December, 2023

Mercury moves to Cancer in 177 days, at Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Venus moves to Cancer in 176 days, at Monday, 17 June, 2024

Mars moves to Cancer in 256 days, at Thursday, 05 September, 2024

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 12.1 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Hello there, celestial Crabs! As the Waxing Gibbous moon swells to 12.1 days old (not that it is counting or anything), the universe has some cosmic comic relief in store for you. You know how when you’re playing Dungeons and Dragons and you roll a natural 20, and you're like, "Yes! I've got this!" Well, expect a lot of those moments in the coming week. You're rolling with advantage, Cancer, so take those risks. Go slay the metaphorical dragons in your life. You might also feel an urge to retreat into your shell this week - due to Mercury going retrograde and messing with your WiFi signal. It's like the universe's version of CTRL + ALT + DEL. Just remember, the only thing worse than no internet is slow internet, so take this as your chance to disconnect and recalibrate. On the brighter side, Venus is swanning around in your relationship sector, making your love life feel like a Star Trek episode - let's just hope it's not a red shirt day! Your charm will be at warp speed, so use it wisely. To wrap things up, Cancer, remember that in the vast universe, you are a unique constellation unto yourself. Be like a black hole - absorb the negativity, but don't let it escape and affect your shine. #CrustaceanConstellation #CelestialCrab #Natural20 #MercuryRetrograde #WarpSpeedRomance #BlackHoleBadVibes


SignToday Is Posting: 24.12.2023 07:32:01 (can-24-12-2023)

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